Our Policy

Policy & Registration Form


  • Students will receive their monthly invoice by email on the first week of the prior month.
  • Spots will be booked monthly.
  • For all Payments, a credit card pre-authorization is required.
  • To ensure the security of your payment, please provide us with the last four digits of your credit card in the online form below. Our administrative team will then contact you within 24 hours to collect the full credit card number over the phone.
  • There will be a $25 Charge if the Credit Card does not process through.
  • At the beginning of each year, prices are subject to change with advance notice.



  • When students can’t attend the class, having an online Lesson is always an option.
  • There will be no refunds or credits for lessons cancelled after the spot is booked and the lesson is scheduled ( Which will be 30 days before the starting month)
  • Students must give at least one calendar month’s (30 days) written notice (Text or Email) to withdraw from their lesson for the following month.
  • Students withdrawing without notice or with short notice will be charged one additional month’s fee.
  • DaVinci Code Art Academy is open on all Statutory holidays except Dec 25th to Jan 1st and July 1st.



  • During the Lessons, we take photographs/videos of school activities involving students to share the school’s positive vibe and updates and to stay connected with families. This provides a fun new way to encourage and share students’ achievements. These photos/videos may be published through our website, social media pages, and ads.
  • Please Download the Instagram app and follow our page: davincicode_artacademy
  • If you have further questions or concerns, please discuss this with a member of the school.



Sign and complete this form to authorize DaVinci Code Art Academy to make a recurring monthly charge to your credit card listed below.

DaVinci Code Art Academy will automatically charge the Provided Credit Card number for all tuition, in the amount and date, as per the emailed invoice. Please Note: In the event that the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be processed on the next business day.

Payment Authorization Form


DaVinci Code Art Academy will automatically charge the Provided Credit Card number for all tuition, in the amount and date, as per the emailed invoice. Please Note: In the event that the due date falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be processed on the next business day.


I authorize DaVinci Code Art Academy to charge Credit Card on the invoice due date of each month.